Permanent staff
Environmental scientist Katrin Hill
born 30th April 1979
analysis of data recorded by radar, video and infrared camera, database, reporting, impacts of artificial
lighting on migrating birds
- 03-12/2006 graduate assissant at the Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland", project "Flugplatz Vogelflug-Monitoring" (bird flight monitoring at an airfield) commissioned by the Geographic Information Department of the Federal Armed Forces.
- 06-11/2005 student assistant at the Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland" R+D project "Recherche und Analyse möglicher Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung und Verminderung von Vogelschlag an Offshore-Windkraftanlagen und Entwicklung geeigneter Evaluationsansätze" (investigation and analysis of possible methods to avoid and reduce bird collisions at offshore wind turbines and developing appropriate evaluation approach), commissioned by the Federal Nature Conservation Agency
- 2005 diploma thesis "Preventing nocturnally migrating birds from being attracted to artificial lighting: an experimental approach" conducted at the Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland"
- 10-12/2004 internship at the Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Ökologie (State Office of Lower-Saxony for Ecology), department Environmental Information Systems
- 2000-2005 Studies of Environmental Science, University of Lüneburg
- 08/1999-07/2000 Voluntary Environmental gap year in the fields of environmental education and applied nature conservation at Naturschutz-Informationshaus "Boberger Niederung", Hamburg
Geographer Reinhold Hill,
born 2nd December 1974
installation, maintenance and repair, Seawatching, Data analysis, Database, Reporting
- 2002 to 2007 scientific assistant at the Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland". I worked in various projects regarding research on bird migration - mainly offshore – using different remote sensing techniques like radar, infrared-cameras, video-cameras, sound-detection and Air Defense Radar.
- spring 2002 job at national park "Sächsische Schweiz", Bad Schandau
- 2001 diploma thesis "Die exemplarische Entwicklung von Schutzkonzepten für vom Aussterben bedrohte Pflanzen- und Vogelarten - GIS als funktionales Planungswerkzeug im Bereich Arten- und Naturschutz auf Mauritius, Indischer Ozean" (exemplary development of conservation concepts for threathened plant and bird species – GIS as a functional planning tool for species and nature conservation at Mauritius, Indian Ocean)
- 09-10/1999 internship at "Dogal Hayati Koruma Dernegi" (Society for the Protection of Nature, Associated Member of WWF, Partner of BirdLife International), Istanbul, Turkey
- 1996-2001 Studies of Geography, Phillips-University of Marburg
- 1995-1996 alternative civilian service in the fields bird-watching and bird counts at incorporated society "Verein Jordsand zum Schutze der Seevögel und der Natur e.V.", Ahrensburg